Insights, Pepptalk & News

Property Disputes When You Are Not Married But Have A Shared Interest In A Property
Independent Legal Advice (ILA) Required For Personal Guarantees
Victoria Neale - Seeking Justice for Survivors of Historical Abuse: Legal Support and Advocacy for Those Who Have Been Silenced – CICA Claims
If you have been a victim of violence, you could be eligible for compensation.
When A Relationship Ends - Divorce And Separation
Limited Liability Partnerships (Application of Company Law) (No 2) Regulations 2024
Companies House Publishes Transitional Plan on ECCTA 2023: Key Points for Solicitors and Their Clients
GEM Awards 2024: A Night to Remember
A Time for Awareness, A Time for Action: Recognising National Domestic Abuse Awareness Month
In Memoriam: Stewart Pepperell
Retail Mergers and Acquisitions rise by 15%
World Alzheimer's Month: The Importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney
Protecting the Future of Your Loved Ones: The Importance of Trust Wills
The Ultimate Guide to Trust Wills with Pepperells Solicitors
Supporting our Community and Understanding the Connection: Alcohol and Domestic Abuse
Pepperells Solicitors Honoured with Six Nominations at Northern Law Awards
The Crucial Role of Tenancy Agreements: Protecting Rights and Ensuring Peace of Mind
Understanding TOLATA
Celebrating Business Excellence at the Northern Lincolnshire Business Awards 2024
Inside Divorce
New Family Care Professional Joins Pepperells Solicitors Grimsby Team
Pepperells Solicitors Proudly Certified as Official Alzheimer's Society Partner During Dementia Action Week
Public Law Outline Proceedings & Legal Aid
Pepperells Launch Criminal Defence Department At West Parade Office In Lincoln
Adam Glentworth appointed as the youngest Children Panel Solicitor in England and Wales
Understanding the Online Safety Act 2023: Ensuring Responsible Online Communication
Alzheimer’s and Lasting Power of Attorney
Residential Property Possession Claims
Consumer Rights Act 2015
Settlement Agreements – Resolving Employment Disputes
Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (TOLATA)
Five Reasons to Update Your Will
Best For Conveyancing Customer Service
Child Contact Arrangements during the school holidays
Pepperells Head of Debt Recovery Gives Advice
Discovering Private Client Family Services at Pepperells Solicitors’ New Lincoln Office
Non-Molestation Order / Domestic Abuse Protection Order
Navigating Family Law in Lincoln: How a Family Solicitor Can Help
What is the difference between a solicitor, a lawyer and a barrister?
Pepperells Solicitors Barton Office: Bringing Big City Experience to Your Doorstep
Expanding your Business: Advantages and Disadvantages for Buyers and Sellers in an Acquisition
Expanding your Business: The difference between an Asset Purchase and a Share Purchase
5 Reasons Why You Should Use a Grimsby Solicitor for Your Conveyancing Needs
Pepperells Law Firm Assisting Workers Facing Redundancy as British Steel Announces 260 Job Losses
Pepperells Solicitors Lincoln Office Moving to a New Location in Lincoln
Confectioners To Corporate Solicitor
White Collar Crime To White Collar Corporate Law
Pepperells Secure £1.5m For Charity Partners
Pepperells Join Forces With Fawcett & Co To Keep Children Fueled And Ready For School
The Importance Of A New Will When Contemplating Divorce
Women Fight EX GP Who Abused Them As Children
Pepperells Want You To Plan Ahead
Mini-Budget 2022 Update
Lincolnshire Businesses Raise Over £1,700 In Support Of St Barnabas Hospice
Deputyships and Court of Protection
Pepperells Partner With Alzheimer’s Research To Organise a Day to be Remembered
The Official Injury Claims Portal
Thinking of taking your child on holiday abroad in the school holidays?
Pepperells Back The Iron
Pepperells Launch New Graduate Apprenticeship Program
Pepperells Solicitors welcome Craig Day as new head of people and culture
Depp v Heard – Male sufferers of Domestic Abuse
Dementia Action Week MAY 2022
Digital Assets on Death – What would happen to yours?
Property Rights : when unmarried couples separate
Divorce and Separation, we can lighten the load
Deeds of Variation- Your Last Will doesn’t have to be the final say
Separation Where The Property is Owned Jointly
Let’s Talk Lasting Powers of Attorney
If I do not make a Will, what will happen to my assets – the Intestacy Rules
For anyone with any kind of business interest or business assets
Pregnancy and the Equal Treatment Handbook
What do you do if you hear nothing from your spouse in response to your divorce Petition?
Child Arrangements – How can we help?
Using your Lasting Power of Attorney
Can someone inherit from me even if I do not include them in my Will?
Medical Negligence
Let’s Talk About Non-Molestation Orders
Medical Negligence
Do you or a family member have a Trust? It may now need to be registered with HMRC
Dividing Assets and Reaching Settlement in Matrimonial Proceedings for Shareholders continued…
Property Adjustment
Validation Orders – Pepperells Insolvency Department
On-line On-death – what happens to your digital assets when you die?
A blog by Blue Stephenson – Divorce and Matrimonial Finances
Removal of mortgage cap means more individuals could be eligible for legal aid
Directors of companies facing insolvency
Katerina Woodcock: Comments on the Government’s recently published White Paper concerning EU migrant workers rights’ in the United Kingdom post Brexit
Pepperells seeks future solicitors as it launches inaugural Vacation Scheme
Brexit and Commercial Property Leases
Richard Smith – Dispute Resolution
A day in the life of a Trainee Solicitor
Corporate and Commercial Recommendations
The Debt Respite Scheme, known as “breathing space”
End to the Fault-Based Divorce System: A New Horizon for Separating Couples
The Discount Rate in Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury Claims
How to deal with financial worries during divorce
Madeline Broddley – Debt Recovery
Negotiating a Commercial Lease – 5 Tips for a Tenant Negotiating a Lease
Pupillage Interview – Top Tip
Cohabitation and separation, is everything about to change?
Enduring Powers of Attorney vs Lasting Powers of Attorney
£40,000 compensation for hairdresser who suffered a fractured wrist needing surgery after slipping on Salon floor
Non-disclosure in financial remedy proceedings
A day in the life of a Solicitor Apprentice
A day in the life of a trainee solicitor
Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 – what is it and when can it be applied?
Coercive Control carries a maximum sentence of 5 years, a fine or both.
Studying the LPC from a distance
Pepperells Solicitors add Newcastle office to support their growing corporate & commercial clients
A pupil barrister’s perspective of pupillage at the employed bar
A day in the life of a Paralegal
Solicitor Apprenticeship: A New Way to Qualify
When can directors be personally liable for bounce-back loans……
Changes to restrictions on winding up petitions from 1st October 2021
Choose Pepperells Solicitors to help you with your police interview
Can I make a Lasting Power of Attorney Online?
£896,000 raised for national free will network charity members
Pepperells Solicitors launch legal partnership with Lincs Kids
3 important factors your Islamic Will can address
Six new family experts join Pepperells solicitors in Lincoln
Everything You Need To Know About Changes to Divorce Law
Why Writing a Will is Important (Partnership with LIVES Lincolnshire)
School Placements Day

Pepperells Limited, registered in England and Wales: No. 10244781 | Registered Office: 100 Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, East Yorkshire, HU1 2AE | Authorised & Regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority | Regulation Authority Numbers 636188, 638554, 638556, 647027, 636188, 807163, 818433, 8000373, 832782 and 830125. |

Pepperells Solicitors are committed to ensuring that all Partners, Consultants and Employees give their full co-operation to the Legal Ombudsman in the event of any dispute or complaint against our firm, contact details of which can be found at VAT No. 365 0589 36